海狸Beaver 100mm细胞培养皿,TC
平坦透明的表面使显微镜下观察细胞无光学扭曲变形 真空等离子表面处理(TC处理),细胞贴壁性优良 PA/PE复合膜包装,为产品提供了双重保险 叠放环使叠放和处理更加容易 电子束灭菌,无热原
Procarta Cytokine Assay Kit, Human By Request (Please Attach Order Form with PO)
Procarta Cytokine Assay Kit, Human By Request (Please Attach Order Form with PO)
Procarta Cytokine Assay Kit, Non-Human Primate By Request (Please Attach Order Form with PO)
Procarta Cytokine Assay Kit, Non-Human Primate By Request (Please Attach Order Form with PO)